‘Tayshara’ has a several meanings.

One way to interpret the word ‘Tayshara’ can be likened to the word ‘asana’ from the Yogic lineages.

Within our ancient lineage there are in fact many Sacred Tayshara’s – healing body postures – that align the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, Astral and Spiritual bodies within specific Sacred Geometries and guiding principles.

In this context ‘Tayshara’ brings to unison the external with the perfection of internal alignment needed for transformation into the Ascension body.

‘Tayshara’ also means – ‘The Sacred Way’ or ‘The Sacred Path’ for it is an internal restoration system that organizes your physical, mental, emotional and energetic conduits – enabling you to consciously develop your metaphysical map of technology into a vessel for healing itself.

Through precise development of the body and mind, practitioners become a living temple for Spiritual energies to move through – ascension of the Spirit is made possible.

The Higher Self and the journey is takes to connect with this sacred part of you is a process that continues as you developmentally transform your body and mind until you naturally align into complete Higher Self attainment.

Higher Self connection depends on many variables such as the amount of densities, blockages and restrictions one has accumulated over a life time both at the level of the the physical body , but the emotional and mental pathways also.

How long it takes is also influenced by the unique karmic lessons that one has to untangle in this current life and of course one’s willingness to take responsibility for their journey such as making sure to not only follow instructions given, but to engage in the practices regularly.

At The Sacred Gates we do not add anything such as symbols or programs during our healing.

Rather we restore through the pure and transparent substance of emptiness that naturally dissolves bindings / forms / blocks / constrictions / contractions that have accumulated throughout time within each of us.

From emptiness comes creation – very pure creation – as the substance of emptiness creates very little friction as it passes through our clients. This is why our healing transmissions are felt as safe, clarifying, renewing, awakening and effective – just as drinking clean, clear water!


Please contact us should you have any further questions. We are more than happy to assist you!