‘Ascension’ literally means ‘rising up’ to higher levels.
In the same vein we understand ‘Spiritual Ascension’ to mean – consciousness that is able to move through all densities, causing it to deepen and expand itself through to the lighter and higher frequencies that naturally resonate and align with all that True and Sacred within.
For consciousness to ascend in this way it must be guided by specific principles that when practiced educate the body [temple] and mind [consciousness] simultaneously.
For one to enter the ascension stream, one must not only develop the mind but one must also understand experientially how to develop the physical body – for the body is the temple in which to train and develop the mind to attain ascension states.
Following core principles one is able to enter through the process of releasing blocks and resistances physically, mentally and emotionally – and so just like a helium balloon weighed down by rocks – as resistances are released, consciousness naturally ascends, which increases the ability to experience reality ‘as it is’ and thus experience a more heightened and deepened experience of reality itself.
All parts of you are developed. Nothing is left behind and this is why ‘Tayshara’ changes people and their lives.
The ‘Higher Self’ also known as the ‘Awakened Self’, the ‘Universal Self’ , ‘Emptiness’, the ‘Primordial Self’, the ‘Infinite Self’, the ‘Spiritual Self’ or ‘Pure Self’ – is the highest aspect of your Spirit, your consciousness…YOU expressed through your body and mind!
Simply put – your ‘Higher Self’ is the opposite of your ‘Lower Self’.
The ‘Lower Self’ is the personality Self, the ‘I’ or ‘Ego’ Self, the less evolved part of our beings which often struggles with how to solve our life’s problems.
The ‘Higher Self’ when connected to takes care of the ‘Lower Self’ and makes life MUCH EASIER and MUCH DEEPER in meaning as the ‘Higher Self’ effortlessly connects to a VASTLY MORE EXPANDED understanding of our lives than that of our ‘Lower Self’.
Yet even though your ‘Higher Self’ is with you all the time and has the ability to contribute and change your life for the better, you can spend a lot of time, if not your entire lifetime blocking your senses from engaging with its frequencies.
Through the healing principles and practices of the Tayshara lineage, clients and students alike are supported in aligning and integrating their highest levels of consciousness, leading to them to experience deeper states of connectivity and communication with their ‘Higher Self’.
The Higher Self and the journey is takes to connect with this sacred part of you is a process that continues as you developmentally transform your body and mind until you naturally align into complete Higher Self attainment.
Higher Self connection depends on many variables such as the amount of densities, blockages and restrictions one has accumulated over a life time both at the level of the the physical body , but the emotional and mental pathways also.
How long it takes is also influenced by the unique karmic lessons that one has to untangle in this current life and of course one’s willingness to take responsibility for their journey such as making sure to not only follow instructions given, but to engage in the practices regularly.
The ‘Higher Self’ connection 100% makes living your most divine purpose a lot clearer, easier and thus more efficient, for that is your ‘Higher Self’s’ goal.
Living a life in full connection with your ‘Higher Self’ does not mean that you will never experience suffering again, but how you experience and respond to suffering does change.
Over time, through a dedicated practice, you will experience less suffering which brings many benefits!
Please contact us should you have any further questions. We are more than happy to assist you!